Anime Girl Wearing Sweater: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, decked in a luminous, indigo sweater with sleeves which gracefully droop over her manicured fingertips. The sweater highlights her slim waist and is neatly tucked into a high-waisted white skirt, enhanced by diamond stud earrings that twinkle with her every move. Her silky, jet-black hair cascades around her shoulders as she leans against a moonlit, marble balcony railing overlooking a tranquil cityscape."

Anime Girl Wearing Sweater: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, decked in a luminous, indigo sweater with sleeves which gracefully droop over her manicured fingertips. The sweater highlights her slim waist and is neatly tucked into a high-waisted white skirt, enhanced by diamond stud earrings that twinkle with her every move. Her silky, jet-black hair cascades around her shoulders as she leans against a moonlit, marble balcony railing overlooking a tranquil cityscape."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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