Anime girls cleaning Bmw e39

In the simplified geometric style of Pixel Art, illustrate an image featuring two female characters inspired by anime aesthetics. They should be engaging in the activity of wiping and polishing a Bmw e39 vehicle. The car should have an emphasis on the attention to detail and color depth, typical of the pixel art style. The surroundings should be an outdoor setting during the daytime, to set a contrasting tone to the brightness and shade casted by the vehicle. Make sure to incorporate fine pixelated details that contribute to the overall composition of the image.

In the simplified geometric style of Pixel Art, illustrate an image featuring two female characters inspired by anime aesthetics. They should be engaging in the activity of wiping and polishing a Bmw e39 vehicle. The car should have an emphasis on the attention to detail and color depth, typical of the pixel art style. The surroundings should be an outdoor setting during the daytime, to set a contrasting tone to the brightness and shade casted by the vehicle. Make sure to incorporate fine pixelated details that contribute to the overall composition of the image.

Anime girls cleaning Bmw e39

Art Style: Pixel Art
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