Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style sits comfortably at a wooden table in a small, cozy café. He is licking an ice cream cone filled with scoops of different flavored ice creams, topped with a cherry. His eyes are closed in contentment as he savors his sweet treat, and a small drop of ice cream drips onto his hand. His hair is a fiery red and unusually spiky, contrasting to his pale skin and navy-blue eyes. He's wearing a black, slim-fit turtleneck that hugs his slender body, along with a red, plaid-patterned scarf snugly wrapped around his neck. His jeans are denim blue, slightly ripped at the knees, partnered with a pair of white high-top sneakers. On his wrist is a digital watch and a small silver chain bracelet.

An adolescent male with Asian descent, exhibiting the traditional characteristics of anime characters, is seated peacefully at a timber table in a snug café. He is relishing a cone overflowing with assorted flavored ice creams, crowned with a cherry. His eyes are sealed in satisfaction as he cherishes his dessert, and a tiny droplet of the frozen delight trickles onto his hand. His tresses are vibrantly red and noticeably jagged, contrasting his fair complexion and deep-sea blue eyes. He's donned in a sleek, black turtleneck that accentuates his thin physique, along with a scarlet, checkered scarf encircling his neck. His trousers are denim blue, slightly distressed at the knees, matched with a pair of immaculate, high-top trainers. Adorning his wrist is a digital wristwatch and a minute chain bracelet in silver.

An adolescent male with Asian descent, exhibiting the traditional characteristics of anime characters, is seated peacefully at a timber table in a snug café. He is relishing a cone overflowing with assorted flavored ice creams, crowned with a cherry. His eyes are sealed in satisfaction as he cherishes his dessert, and a tiny droplet of the frozen delight trickles onto his hand. His tresses are vibrantly red and noticeably jagged, contrasting his fair complexion and deep-sea blue eyes. He's donned in a sleek, black turtleneck that accentuates his thin physique, along with a scarlet, checkered scarf encircling his neck. His trousers are denim blue, slightly distressed at the knees, matched with a pair of immaculate, high-top trainers. Adorning his wrist is a digital wristwatch and a minute chain bracelet in silver.

Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style sits comfortably at a wooden table in a small, cozy café. He is licking an ice cream cone filled with scoops of different flavored ice creams, topped with a cherry. His eyes are closed in contentment as he savors his sweet treat, and a small drop of ice cream drips onto his hand. His hair is a fiery red and unusually spiky, contrasting to his pale skin and navy-blue eyes. He's wearing a black, slim-fit turtleneck that hugs his slender body, along with a red, plaid-patterned scarf snugly wrapped around his neck. His jeans are denim blue, slightly ripped at the knees, partnered with a pair of white high-top sneakers. On his wrist is a digital watch and a small silver chain bracelet.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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