Anime Girl Quiz: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, a striking presence on a luxurious yacht with her dazzling blue eyes adorned by wind-loosened silver locks. Her outfit is a floral-print bikini top, a cute wraparound skirt, and wedge heels. Basking under the bright sun, she perfectly embodies the phrase 'summer goddess', as the horizon's azure waters add to her charm."

Anime Girl Quiz: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, a striking presence on a luxurious yacht with her dazzling blue eyes adorned by wind-loosened silver locks. Her outfit is a floral-print bikini top, a cute wraparound skirt, and wedge heels. Basking under the bright sun, she perfectly embodies the phrase 'summer goddess', as the horizon's azure waters add to her charm."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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