
Design a tattoo situated on a human body, representing an abstract concept inspired by religion, more specifically, a depersonalized representation of a religious figure. The style should draw inspiration from the vibrant, electrifying characteristics of neon punk aesthetics, with exaggerated light effects, high contrast colors such as pinks, blues, and purples, as well as elements of wireframes or geometric shapes typical of the cyberpunk realm. Avoid direct depictions of known personalities or figures.

Design a tattoo situated on a human body, representing an abstract concept inspired by religion, more specifically, a depersonalized representation of a religious figure. The style should draw inspiration from the vibrant, electrifying characteristics of neon punk aesthetics, with exaggerated light effects, high contrast colors such as pinks, blues, and purples, as well as elements of wireframes or geometric shapes typical of the cyberpunk realm. Avoid direct depictions of known personalities or figures.


Art Style: Neon Punk
Image Type: Tattoo
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