Anime Boy That Looks Like A Girl: Capture an anime boy drawn in anime art style, possessing feminine features. He has sparkling emerald eyes covered partly by a side-swept fringe of his honey brown, long wavy hair. His hair sports a vibrant blue butterfly hair clip. His fetching physical features include soft rosy cheeks and slender, polished fingers. His clothing consists of a white lacy blouse paired with a pleated mint-green skirt with a golden chain belt. Accentuate his feet covered in white knee-length socks and polished brown loafers. The setting is an enchanting forest with a glow emanating from luminescent mushrooms.

Generate an image of an androgynous anime-styled young man with feminine traits. His scintillating emerald eyes are partially veiled by his long, wavy honey-brown hair that flows on one side. A dazzling blue butterfly clip adds a splash of colour to his hair. He has delicate rosy cheeks and long, graceful fingers. His attire consists of a white lace blouse accompanied by a pleated mint-green skirt and a glistening golden belt. His feet are decked in white knee-length socks and polished brown loafers. The backdrop is a magical forest, aglow with the light emitted by bioluminescent mushrooms.

Generate an image of an androgynous anime-styled young man with feminine traits. His scintillating emerald eyes are partially veiled by his long, wavy honey-brown hair that flows on one side. A dazzling blue butterfly clip adds a splash of colour to his hair. He has delicate rosy cheeks and long, graceful fingers. His attire consists of a white lace blouse accompanied by a pleated mint-green skirt and a glistening golden belt. His feet are decked in white knee-length socks and polished brown loafers. The backdrop is a magical forest, aglow with the light emitted by bioluminescent mushrooms.

Anime Boy That Looks Like A Girl: Capture an anime boy drawn in anime art style, possessing feminine features. He has sparkling emerald eyes covered partly by a side-swept fringe of his honey brown, long wavy hair. His hair sports a vibrant blue butterfly hair clip. His fetching physical features include soft rosy cheeks and slender, polished fingers. His clothing consists of a white lacy blouse paired with a pleated mint-green skirt with a golden chain belt. Accentuate his feet covered in white knee-length socks and polished brown loafers. The setting is an enchanting forest with a glow emanating from luminescent mushrooms.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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