Judy Hopps, wearing a magnificent, elegant coronation gown with a long, flowing coronation cape, is standing in the middle of a royal coronation hall, looking at her royal double

A anthropomorphic rabbit character, donned in an extravagant, elegant coronation gown complemented by a long, flowing coronation cape, finds herself standing in the center of a majestic coronation hall. She gazes at her regal duplicate, both embedded in a detailed and lively environment. The image should adhere to the visual aesthetic of a traditional anime style.

A anthropomorphic rabbit character, donned in an extravagant, elegant coronation gown complemented by a long, flowing coronation cape, finds herself standing in the center of a majestic coronation hall. She gazes at her regal duplicate, both embedded in a detailed and lively environment. The image should adhere to the visual aesthetic of a traditional anime style.

Judy Hopps, wearing a magnificent, elegant coronation gown with a long, flowing coronation cape, is standing in the middle of a royal coronation hall, looking at her royal double

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Art
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