Anime Boy In The Dark: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, seated on a rusty swing in an abandoned playground under a somber moonlight. With pearl white hair shining in the dim light, his hair brushing over his deep-set purple eyes looks ethereal. His gothic attire includes a black shirt overlaid with a deep purple, velvet waistcoat etched with intricate silver designs. He wears matching black trousers with silver chains and black combat boots. A silver ear cuff adorns his left ear, and he sports a wristwatch with a black leather strap."

An anime style depiction of a boy with pearl white hair, highlighting under the somber moonlight while he sits on a rusty swing in a vacant playground. His hair drapes over his deep-set purple eyes, adding an otherworldly effect to the scene. His sartorial choices reflect his gothic preferences - a black shirt cloaked with a deep purple, velvet waistcoat intricately etched with silver designs, complemented by matching black trousers adorned with silver chains, and sturdy black combat boots. An ear cuff made from silver graces his left ear, and on his wrist, he wears a watch with a black leather strap.

An anime style depiction of a boy with pearl white hair, highlighting under the somber moonlight while he sits on a rusty swing in a vacant playground. His hair drapes over his deep-set purple eyes, adding an otherworldly effect to the scene. His sartorial choices reflect his gothic preferences - a black shirt cloaked with a deep purple, velvet waistcoat intricately etched with silver designs, complemented by matching black trousers adorned with silver chains, and sturdy black combat boots. An ear cuff made from silver graces his left ear, and on his wrist, he wears a watch with a black leather strap.

Anime Boy In The Dark: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, seated on a rusty swing in an abandoned playground under a somber moonlight. With pearl white hair shining in the dim light, his hair brushing over his deep-set purple eyes looks ethereal. His gothic attire includes a black shirt overlaid with a deep purple, velvet waistcoat etched with intricate silver designs. He wears matching black trousers with silver chains and black combat boots. A silver ear cuff adorns his left ear, and he sports a wristwatch with a black leather strap."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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