Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, locked in a passionate ballroom dance with a girl. His hair is fiery red with spirals falling over his sparkling hazel eyes. He has a slender build, with a crisp white tuxedo adorned with a deep red rose on his lapel, black formal trousers, and shiny black shoes. The girl he's dancing with has layered, long lavender hair falling over her back, and shy violet eyes. She is seen in a beautiful, vintage-style, emerald ballgown with sequins reflecting the grand chandeliers' light of the extravagant ballroom.

A young male character of unknown descent from a Japanese-styled visual novel locked in passionate ballroom dance with a Latin American girl. His hair is a fire-inspired red with spirals falling over his sparkling hazel eyes. He has a slender build, he is attired in a crisp white tuxedo adorned with a deep red rose on his lapel, black formal trousers, and shiny black shoes. The Latin American girl he's dancing with has layered, long lavender hair cascading over her back, and shy violet eyes. She is beautifully dressed in a vintage-style, emerald ballgown adorned with sequins, reflecting the grand chandeliers' light of an opulent ballroom.

A young male character of unknown descent from a Japanese-styled visual novel locked in passionate ballroom dance with a Latin American girl. His hair is a fire-inspired red with spirals falling over his sparkling hazel eyes. He has a slender build, he is attired in a crisp white tuxedo adorned with a deep red rose on his lapel, black formal trousers, and shiny black shoes. The Latin American girl he's dancing with has layered, long lavender hair cascading over her back, and shy violet eyes. She is beautifully dressed in a vintage-style, emerald ballgown adorned with sequins, reflecting the grand chandeliers' light of an opulent ballroom.

Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, locked in a passionate ballroom dance with a girl. His hair is fiery red with spirals falling over his sparkling hazel eyes. He has a slender build, with a crisp white tuxedo adorned with a deep red rose on his lapel, black formal trousers, and shiny black shoes. The girl he's dancing with has layered, long lavender hair falling over her back, and shy violet eyes. She is seen in a beautiful, vintage-style, emerald ballgown with sequins reflecting the grand chandeliers' light of the extravagant ballroom.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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