Anime Girl In Black Sweater: An anime girl drawn in anime art style with captivating sunset-colored eyes, wandering in an urban cityscape during twilight. Her dress consists of a statement-making black cropped sweater with a high-neck finish, paired with low-rise leather pants. She's wearing ankle-length boots that add to her tall and sultry silhouette. The light of the setting sun gives a golden hue to her glossy pink hair, rendering a vibrant image of the city's bustling nightlife reflected in her eyes.

Anime Girl In Black Sweater: An anime girl drawn in anime art style with captivating sunset-colored eyes, wandering in an urban cityscape during twilight. Her dress consists of a statement-making black cropped sweater with a high-neck finish, paired with low-rise leather pants. She's wearing ankle-length boots that add to her tall and sultry silhouette. The light of the setting sun gives a golden hue to her glossy pink hair, rendering a vibrant image of the city's bustling nightlife reflected in her eyes.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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