Anime Boy Uniform: An anime boy drawn in anime art style is perched on an old wooden fence against the backdrop of a soft, haven sunset. He is wearing a traditional green and white striped Japanese schoolboy uniform, including a short-sleeved shirt, a dark green necktie, and deep green knee-length shorts paired with tall white socks and black loafers. A thin round-rimmed pair of glasses clings onto his auburn hair that spills onto his forehead, covering his almond-shaped mahogany eyes. He holds an open book in his hands, an emotional twist is reflected on his pale face.

A young male character, inspired by anime mannerism, sits poised on a weathered wooden fence as a gentle sunset paints the surroundings in warm hues. Dressed in the traditional Japanese school uniform initated from the Meiji era, he is decked out in a green and white striped short-sleeved shirt, a dark green necktie, deep green knee-length shorts, alongside tall white socks and black loafers. A pair of slim, round-rimmed glasses sits atop his auburn hair, cascading down to subtly veil his almond-shaped mahogany eyes. An open book cradled in his hands reflects the unfolding story onto his porcelain-skinned face, echoing a wave of palpable emotions.

A young male character, inspired by anime mannerism, sits poised on a weathered wooden fence as a gentle sunset paints the surroundings in warm hues. Dressed in the traditional Japanese school uniform initated from the Meiji era, he is decked out in a green and white striped short-sleeved shirt, a dark green necktie, deep green knee-length shorts, alongside tall white socks and black loafers. A pair of slim, round-rimmed glasses sits atop his auburn hair, cascading down to subtly veil his almond-shaped mahogany eyes. An open book cradled in his hands reflects the unfolding story onto his porcelain-skinned face, echoing a wave of palpable emotions.

Anime Boy Uniform: An anime boy drawn in anime art style is perched on an old wooden fence against the backdrop of a soft, haven sunset. He is wearing a traditional green and white striped Japanese schoolboy uniform, including a short-sleeved shirt, a dark green necktie, and deep green knee-length shorts paired with tall white socks and black loafers. A thin round-rimmed pair of glasses clings onto his auburn hair that spills onto his forehead, covering his almond-shaped mahogany eyes. He holds an open book in his hands, an emotional twist is reflected on his pale face.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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