Anime Girl Happy: Anime girl drawn in anime art style delightfully gazing at a dazzling meteor shower. Her ethereal silver hair is swept up in a loose ponytail, adding to her allure. Her outfit comprises a cosmic-themed mini dress, with hues of dark blue and stars imprinted. The dress's thigh-high slit, paired with her holographic boots, gives her a captivating celestial charm."

Anime Girl Happy: Anime girl drawn in anime art style delightfully gazing at a dazzling meteor shower. Her ethereal silver hair is swept up in a loose ponytail, adding to her allure. Her outfit comprises a cosmic-themed mini dress, with hues of dark blue and stars imprinted. The dress's thigh-high slit, paired with her holographic boots, gives her a captivating celestial charm."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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