Anime Boy Zombie: An anime boy drawn in anime art style transformed into a zombie. His skin is pale with undertones of green, and his hair radiates an unusual glow in the same shade. His attire should mirror a classic schoolboy uniform: a short-sleeved white shirt, barely visible under a black blazer with red trim. His tie loosely hangs around his neck, the vibrant red in stark contrast with his color-drained appearance. Below, his pants convey a tale of hardship, torn with remnants of dried mud and what seem like splashes of dried blood. His black loafers are beat-up and worn out. His eyes offer a touch of humanity amidst all the chaos, exhibiting an unusual sparkle under his heavy, sleepless eyelids. His setting is a devastated school ground under an overcast grey sky, where crumbled buildings and deserted classrooms speak volumes of the disaster."

Visualize an anime-styled boy who is metamorphosed into a zombie. His skin exhibits a pale texture with green hints, and his hair glows in the same green hue. He is dressed in a traditional schoolboy outfit: a barely visible short-sleeved white shirt underneath a black blazer that has red borders. A prominent, bright red tie is loosely slung around his neck, providing stark contrast to his pallid complexion. The lower part of his attire, the trousers, portray a story of struggle, being ripped with traces of dried soil and what appear to be dry bloodstains. His black shoes showcase signs of overuse and distress. Despite his alarming appearance, his eyes exude a strange twinkle underneath his heavy, tired eyelids, imparting some humanity amidst chaos. He is positioned in a ruined school setting under a gray, overcast sky, surrounded by dilapidated structures and abandoned classrooms, a testament to the catastrophe.

Visualize an anime-styled boy who is metamorphosed into a zombie. His skin exhibits a pale texture with green hints, and his hair glows in the same green hue. He is dressed in a traditional schoolboy outfit: a barely visible short-sleeved white shirt underneath a black blazer that has red borders. A prominent, bright red tie is loosely slung around his neck, providing stark contrast to his pallid complexion. The lower part of his attire, the trousers, portray a story of struggle, being ripped with traces of dried soil and what appear to be dry bloodstains. His black shoes showcase signs of overuse and distress. Despite his alarming appearance, his eyes exude a strange twinkle underneath his heavy, tired eyelids, imparting some humanity amidst chaos. He is positioned in a ruined school setting under a gray, overcast sky, surrounded by dilapidated structures and abandoned classrooms, a testament to the catastrophe.

Anime Boy Zombie: An anime boy drawn in anime art style transformed into a zombie. His skin is pale with undertones of green, and his hair radiates an unusual glow in the same shade. His attire should mirror a classic schoolboy uniform: a short-sleeved white shirt, barely visible under a black blazer with red trim. His tie loosely hangs around his neck, the vibrant red in stark contrast with his color-drained appearance. Below, his pants convey a tale of hardship, torn with remnants of dried mud and what seem like splashes of dried blood. His black loafers are beat-up and worn out. His eyes offer a touch of humanity amidst all the chaos, exhibiting an unusual sparkle under his heavy, sleepless eyelids. His setting is a devastated school ground under an overcast grey sky, where crumbled buildings and deserted classrooms speak volumes of the disaster."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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