Anime Boy In Prison: Picture an anime boy drawn in anime art style inside a hyper-futuristic prison cell. His hair, as red as a blazing sunset, is styled in a spiky arrangement defying gravity. His eyes gleam with hope, their emerald green color glowing under the stark neon lights. He wears a metallic combat suit unique to the interplanetary force he'd previously served with. He has a multidimensional holographic accessory projected around his wrists and waist, acting as his restraints. His footwear are sleek, black nano-tech boots, reflecting the cold, polished prison floor.

Visualize an adolescent boy, portrayed in the popular Japanese animation aesthetic, trapped within a far-advanced futuristic jail cell. He sports crimson hair, fiery as a setting sun, arrayed in a jagged configuration that negates the laws of gravity. His eye twinkle is filled with optimism, their vivid green hue illuminating in the stern glow of neon illumination. He adorns a metallic warfare uniform exclusive to the space military unit he formerly was part of. Interwoven around his wrist and waist are otherworldly light-projected accessories, functioning as his shackles. He is wearing sophisticated, black nano-technology boots, mirroring the chill, buffed prison flooring.

Visualize an adolescent boy, portrayed in the popular Japanese animation aesthetic, trapped within a far-advanced futuristic jail cell. He sports crimson hair, fiery as a setting sun, arrayed in a jagged configuration that negates the laws of gravity. His eye twinkle is filled with optimism, their vivid green hue illuminating in the stern glow of neon illumination. He adorns a metallic warfare uniform exclusive to the space military unit he formerly was part of. Interwoven around his wrist and waist are otherworldly light-projected accessories, functioning as his shackles. He is wearing sophisticated, black nano-technology boots, mirroring the chill, buffed prison flooring.

Anime Boy In Prison: Picture an anime boy drawn in anime art style inside a hyper-futuristic prison cell. His hair, as red as a blazing sunset, is styled in a spiky arrangement defying gravity. His eyes gleam with hope, their emerald green color glowing under the stark neon lights. He wears a metallic combat suit unique to the interplanetary force he'd previously served with. He has a multidimensional holographic accessory projected around his wrists and waist, acting as his restraints. His footwear are sleek, black nano-tech boots, reflecting the cold, polished prison floor.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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