Anime Boy In Dark: Anime boy drawn in anime art style nestled within the captivating shadows of a gloomy forest. The boy has obsidian-black hair, styled in a messy but attractive fashion with a few strands falling over his icy blue eyes, reflecting his solitude yet resilience. He is wearing a long, sleek, charcoal-colored coat, designed with intricate silver designs at the hem, cuffs and high collar. Underneath the coat, a snug-fitting, dark grey turtleneck sweater can be seen. He is sporting midnight-hued, skin-tight leather pants which are tucked into knee-high black combat boots, characterized by silver buckles. A silver, moon-shaped pendant hangs around his neck, a stark contrast against his dark attire. His hands are adorned with fingerless gloves matching his boots in color, with the same silver detailing. He leans against a towering, gnarled tree as darkness embraces him."

A young male character, reminiscent of Japanese animation, is nestled within the captivating shadows of a dense and gloomy forest. The boy has obsidian-black hair, styled in a manner that is messy yet appealing with a few strands falling over his icy blue eyes showcasing solitude yet resilience. Attired in a long, sleek, charcoal-colored coat, intricate silver designs are noticeable at the hem, cuffs, and high collar. Beneath the coat, there's visible a snug-fitting dark grey turtleneck sweater. He is flaunting midnight-hued, skin-tight leather pants tucked into knee-high black combat boots with silver buckles. Amidst his dark attire, a silver, moon-shaped pendant stands out around his neck. Matching his boots in color and silver detailing, his hands are adorned with fingerless gloves. He leans against one of the many towering, gnarled trees as the darkness envelops him.

A young male character, reminiscent of Japanese animation, is nestled within the captivating shadows of a dense and gloomy forest. The boy has obsidian-black hair, styled in a manner that is messy yet appealing with a few strands falling over his icy blue eyes showcasing solitude yet resilience. Attired in a long, sleek, charcoal-colored coat, intricate silver designs are noticeable at the hem, cuffs, and high collar. Beneath the coat, there's visible a snug-fitting dark grey turtleneck sweater. He is flaunting midnight-hued, skin-tight leather pants tucked into knee-high black combat boots with silver buckles. Amidst his dark attire, a silver, moon-shaped pendant stands out around his neck. Matching his boots in color and silver detailing, his hands are adorned with fingerless gloves. He leans against one of the many towering, gnarled trees as the darkness envelops him.

Anime Boy In Dark: Anime boy drawn in anime art style nestled within the captivating shadows of a gloomy forest. The boy has obsidian-black hair, styled in a messy but attractive fashion with a few strands falling over his icy blue eyes, reflecting his solitude yet resilience. He is wearing a long, sleek, charcoal-colored coat, designed with intricate silver designs at the hem, cuffs and high collar. Underneath the coat, a snug-fitting, dark grey turtleneck sweater can be seen. He is sporting midnight-hued, skin-tight leather pants which are tucked into knee-high black combat boots, characterized by silver buckles. A silver, moon-shaped pendant hangs around his neck, a stark contrast against his dark attire. His hands are adorned with fingerless gloves matching his boots in color, with the same silver detailing. He leans against a towering, gnarled tree as darkness embraces him."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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