Anime Boy In Overalls: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, amidst a quiet late afternoon in a cozy coffee shop. His hair is a shiny auburn shade that falls artfully around his warm hazel eyes, exuding a comforting calm. He sports a set of moss-green overalls, the top half unhooked revealing a black turtleneck sweater teamed up with his attire. A pair of cream, suede boots is quietly tucked under the chair he is perched on. There's a silver chain with a sapphire pendant attached to the overall, bringing out coolness amidst the cozy setting."

Illustrate an anime style depiction of an East Asian teenage boy in a peaceful coffee shop during a tranquil late afternoon. He has shiny auburn hair that frames his warm hazel eyes, giving a comforting calmness. He is dressed in moss-green overalls, with the top half unbuttoned to show a black turtleneck sweater. His cream suede boots are subtly tucked under his chair. A intricate silver chain with a deep blue sapphire pendant is attached to his overalls, adding a sense of coolness to the warm, cozy ambiance.

Illustrate an anime style depiction of an East Asian teenage boy in a peaceful coffee shop during a tranquil late afternoon. He has shiny auburn hair that frames his warm hazel eyes, giving a comforting calmness. He is dressed in moss-green overalls, with the top half unbuttoned to show a black turtleneck sweater. His cream suede boots are subtly tucked under his chair. A intricate silver chain with a deep blue sapphire pendant is attached to his overalls, adding a sense of coolness to the warm, cozy ambiance.

Anime Boy In Overalls: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, amidst a quiet late afternoon in a cozy coffee shop. His hair is a shiny auburn shade that falls artfully around his warm hazel eyes, exuding a comforting calm. He sports a set of moss-green overalls, the top half unhooked revealing a black turtleneck sweater teamed up with his attire. A pair of cream, suede boots is quietly tucked under the chair he is perched on. There's a silver chain with a sapphire pendant attached to the overall, bringing out coolness amidst the cozy setting."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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