Kuih ketayap

An image of Kuih Ketayap, a traditional Malaysian dessert made of sweet coconut shavings wrapped in bright green pandan-flavoured pancake. It has been designed in the technique of pixel art, meaning it features a charming yet simple design with a limited color palette that replicates the aesthetic of early computer graphics. You can see the precise squares that compose the larger image and the distinct colors that separate the dessert and its different components.

An image of Kuih Ketayap, a traditional Malaysian dessert made of sweet coconut shavings wrapped in bright green pandan-flavoured pancake. It has been designed in the technique of pixel art, meaning it features a charming yet simple design with a limited color palette that replicates the aesthetic of early computer graphics. You can see the precise squares that compose the larger image and the distinct colors that separate the dessert and its different components.

Kuih ketayap

Art Style: Pixel Art
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