Anime Boy In Depression: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, exuding an air of subtle desolation. His platinum, short-cropped hair caressed by the wind, his turquoise eyes reflecting shadows of silent despair. Located atop a desolate cliff, the ruthless winds whipping his hair and clothes vigorously - the backdrop painted with the bleeding evening sun. Dressed in distressed, cream-colored hoodie, which is partially zipped exposing a plain, threadbare, charcoal t-shirt underneath, paired with loose, cargo pants, pockets bulging with miscellaneous items, mounted on sturdy, leather hiking boots, splashed with mud."

Depiction of a young male anime character with an aura of quiet desolation, placed in a desolate cliff setting. He has platinum, short-cropped hair tousled by the wind, turquoise eyes filled with shadowed despair. His clothing comprises of a wind-blown, distressed, cream-colored hoodie, half-zipped to reveal a worn-out charcoal t-shirt and loose cargo pants, their pockets filled with various items. Completing the ensemble are mud-spattered, robust leather hiking boots. The background captures the poignant beauty of the setting sun illuminating the sky.

Depiction of a young male anime character with an aura of quiet desolation, placed in a desolate cliff setting. He has platinum, short-cropped hair tousled by the wind, turquoise eyes filled with shadowed despair. His clothing comprises of a wind-blown, distressed, cream-colored hoodie, half-zipped to reveal a worn-out charcoal t-shirt and loose cargo pants, their pockets filled with various items. Completing the ensemble are mud-spattered, robust leather hiking boots. The background captures the poignant beauty of the setting sun illuminating the sky.

Anime Boy In Depression: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, exuding an air of subtle desolation. His platinum, short-cropped hair caressed by the wind, his turquoise eyes reflecting shadows of silent despair. Located atop a desolate cliff, the ruthless winds whipping his hair and clothes vigorously - the backdrop painted with the bleeding evening sun. Dressed in distressed, cream-colored hoodie, which is partially zipped exposing a plain, threadbare, charcoal t-shirt underneath, paired with loose, cargo pants, pockets bulging with miscellaneous items, mounted on sturdy, leather hiking boots, splashed with mud."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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