Anime Girl With Grey Eyes And Brown Hair: Anime girl drawn in anime art style. Indicate a seductive siren with radiant grey eyes and chestnut brown hair styled in loose waves, lingering by an antique piano in a dimly lit room. She's wearing a figure-hugging, shimmering silver evening gown, sitting open at her shoulder. Complementary silver heels add to her glamorous presence. The air around her is filled with the throbbing rhythm of a distant melody."

Anime Girl With Grey Eyes And Brown Hair: Anime girl drawn in anime art style. Indicate a seductive siren with radiant grey eyes and chestnut brown hair styled in loose waves, lingering by an antique piano in a dimly lit room. She's wearing a figure-hugging, shimmering silver evening gown, sitting open at her shoulder. Complementary silver heels add to her glamorous presence. The air around her is filled with the throbbing rhythm of a distant melody."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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