Anime Boy In Love With Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, portraying love-struck admiration for the girl in his view. His gentian-blue eyes glisten under the soft lighting of the room, adding depth to his gaze. His hair is spiky with a honey blonde hue that glows, making him stand out. His outfit is casual yet charming - a white v-neck shirt, snugly fit around his torso, along with a marine blue, plaid open button-up shirt. He has a pair of dark, ripped jeans and casual, white sneakers. He’s standing in a cozy, warm-lit cafe, waiting for his order, with a blush spread across his face.

A love-struck anime-style boy of Caucasian descent exhibiting admiration. His gentian-blue eyes sparkle under the soft lighting of the room, enhancing his mesmerized gaze. He has spiky honey-blonde hair that shines, which sets him apart from the rest. He's dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit consisting of a snug white v-neck shirt, a marine blue plaid unbuttoned shirt, along with dark ripped jeans paired with casual white sneakers. He's poised in a snug, warmly lit cafe, awaiting his order, his cheeks rosy due to a blush.

A love-struck anime-style boy of Caucasian descent exhibiting admiration. His gentian-blue eyes sparkle under the soft lighting of the room, enhancing his mesmerized gaze. He has spiky honey-blonde hair that shines, which sets him apart from the rest. He's dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit consisting of a snug white v-neck shirt, a marine blue plaid unbuttoned shirt, along with dark ripped jeans paired with casual white sneakers. He's poised in a snug, warmly lit cafe, awaiting his order, his cheeks rosy due to a blush.

Anime Boy In Love With Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, portraying love-struck admiration for the girl in his view. His gentian-blue eyes glisten under the soft lighting of the room, adding depth to his gaze. His hair is spiky with a honey blonde hue that glows, making him stand out. His outfit is casual yet charming - a white v-neck shirt, snugly fit around his torso, along with a marine blue, plaid open button-up shirt. He has a pair of dark, ripped jeans and casual, white sneakers. He’s standing in a cozy, warm-lit cafe, waiting for his order, with a blush spread across his face.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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