Anime Boy In School Uniform Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style standing in a serene school garden. He is wearing a traditional Japanese gakuran, the black outfit perfectly matches his silky raven-black hair which falls over one of his aquamarine-colored eyes. His uniform consists of a black high collar coat decorated with golden buttons and a straight pair of matching black trousers. His glossy black loafers stand in soft contrast to the cherry blossom petals scattered across the ground. He has a small, silver stud earring in his left ear which twinkles in the rays of the setting sun. 

Imagine an anime-style drawing of a male character standing in a calming school garden. He's attired in a traditional Japanese gakuran, the black color of his outfit mirroring his glossy, raven-black hair that obscures one of his bright, aquamarine eyes. His clothing includes a high collar coat adorned with golden buttons and a pair of sleek, matching black trousers. Glossy black loafers cover his feet, standing out amongst the delicate cherry blossom petals littering the ground. A small, silver stud earring adorns his left ear, glinting in the radiant light of the setting sun. All of this wrapped in the enveloping warmth and soft colors of an imminent sunset.

Imagine an anime-style drawing of a male character standing in a calming school garden. He's attired in a traditional Japanese gakuran, the black color of his outfit mirroring his glossy, raven-black hair that obscures one of his bright, aquamarine eyes. His clothing includes a high collar coat adorned with golden buttons and a pair of sleek, matching black trousers. Glossy black loafers cover his feet, standing out amongst the delicate cherry blossom petals littering the ground. A small, silver stud earring adorns his left ear, glinting in the radiant light of the setting sun. All of this wrapped in the enveloping warmth and soft colors of an imminent sunset.

Anime Boy In School Uniform Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style standing in a serene school garden. He is wearing a traditional Japanese gakuran, the black outfit perfectly matches his silky raven-black hair which falls over one of his aquamarine-colored eyes. His uniform consists of a black high collar coat decorated with golden buttons and a straight pair of matching black trousers. His glossy black loafers stand in soft contrast to the cherry blossom petals scattered across the ground. He has a small, silver stud earring in his left ear which twinkles in the rays of the setting sun.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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