Anime Boy Wearing A Dress: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, portraying a delicate figure in a traditional Japanese yukata. The boy's hair is a magnificent silver hue, falling in sharp, meticulously etched waves to his shoulder, framing porcelain-white skin and luminescent violet eyes. He wears a yukata in striking blue, adorned with complex patterns of blooming chrysanthemums; the wide obi-belt ties in a neat bow at the back. His feet are covered in woven straw sandals, paired with white, split-toe socks. His fingers host an antique ring, studded with a mysterious azure gemstone. The background is a tranquil Japanese garden, resplendent with koi-filled ponds and vibrant red torii.

Anime-style depiction of a tenderhearted young man of South Asian descent wearing a traditional Japanese yukata. His hair, a silver marvel, cascades down to his shoulders in detailed waves, highlighting his porcelain-white complexion and luminating violet eyes. He's dressed in an enchanting blue yukata intricately decorated with blooming chrysanthemums, and the broad obi-belt ties neatly at the back. His feet sport woven straw sandals accompanied by white, split-toe socks. An antique azure gemstone ring adorns one of his fingers. The setting winds back to a serene Japanese garden, complete with koi filled ponds and vivid red torii.

Anime-style depiction of a tenderhearted young man of South Asian descent wearing a traditional Japanese yukata. His hair, a silver marvel, cascades down to his shoulders in detailed waves, highlighting his porcelain-white complexion and luminating violet eyes. He's dressed in an enchanting blue yukata intricately decorated with blooming chrysanthemums, and the broad obi-belt ties neatly at the back. His feet sport woven straw sandals accompanied by white, split-toe socks. An antique azure gemstone ring adorns one of his fingers. The setting winds back to a serene Japanese garden, complete with koi filled ponds and vivid red torii.

Anime Boy Wearing A Dress: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, portraying a delicate figure in a traditional Japanese yukata. The boy's hair is a magnificent silver hue, falling in sharp, meticulously etched waves to his shoulder, framing porcelain-white skin and luminescent violet eyes. He wears a yukata in striking blue, adorned with complex patterns of blooming chrysanthemums; the wide obi-belt ties in a neat bow at the back. His feet are covered in woven straw sandals, paired with white, split-toe socks. His fingers host an antique ring, studded with a mysterious azure gemstone. The background is a tranquil Japanese garden, resplendent with koi-filled ponds and vibrant red torii.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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