Anime Girl Mad: An anime girl drawn in anime art style, depicts a raging tempest within the backdrop of an enchanting castle. Her cobalt blue eyes reflect obvious anger, while her regal auburn hair is held up in a half-updo with jeweled hairpins. She dons a Victorian-era emerald green gown with cascading layers of lace ruffles, paired with lace-up ankle boots. The contrast between her royal attire and her fiery anger evokes a captivating dichotomy.

Anime Girl Mad: An anime girl drawn in anime art style, depicts a raging tempest within the backdrop of an enchanting castle. Her cobalt blue eyes reflect obvious anger, while her regal auburn hair is held up in a half-updo with jeweled hairpins. She dons a Victorian-era emerald green gown with cascading layers of lace ruffles, paired with lace-up ankle boots. The contrast between her royal attire and her fiery anger evokes a captivating dichotomy.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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