Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style is relaxing under a sakura tree in full bloom, having a peaceful picnic. He is biting into a traditional rice ball, a blissful expression on his face. His messy hair is a mix of soft pastel pink tones, matching his baby blue eyes and light skin tone. He is dressed in a white and neon-green varsity jacket, over a simple black tee. He's wearing medium gray sweatpants, slightly loose, and a pair of black running shoes. Around his neck hangs a pair of blue headphones, and a pair of spectacles rest upon his head.

An anime-style teenage boy with pastel pink, messy hair and baby blue eyes is relaxing under a fully bloomed sakura tree. With a light skin tone, he is depicted enjoying a peaceful picnic, biting into a traditional rice ball with a blissful expression on his face. He is adorning a white and neon-green varsity jacket over a simple black t-shirt, while medium gray sweatpants hang loosely from his waist. He wears a pair of black running shoes. Around his neck can be seen a pair of blue headphones and a pair of spectacles are comfortably resting on his head.

An anime-style teenage boy with pastel pink, messy hair and baby blue eyes is relaxing under a fully bloomed sakura tree. With a light skin tone, he is depicted enjoying a peaceful picnic, biting into a traditional rice ball with a blissful expression on his face. He is adorning a white and neon-green varsity jacket over a simple black t-shirt, while medium gray sweatpants hang loosely from his waist. He wears a pair of black running shoes. Around his neck can be seen a pair of blue headphones and a pair of spectacles are comfortably resting on his head.

Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style is relaxing under a sakura tree in full bloom, having a peaceful picnic. He is biting into a traditional rice ball, a blissful expression on his face. His messy hair is a mix of soft pastel pink tones, matching his baby blue eyes and light skin tone. He is dressed in a white and neon-green varsity jacket, over a simple black tee. He's wearing medium gray sweatpants, slightly loose, and a pair of black running shoes. Around his neck hangs a pair of blue headphones, and a pair of spectacles rest upon his head.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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