Anime girl drawn in anime style as an enchanting 23-year-old witch with curly, chestnut hair cascading over her shoulders. Her eyes sparkle like valuable amber, reflecting her intelligent and crafty personality. Set in a rustic autumn backdrop, her body exhibits a natural grace and possesses an earthy tone. Clothed in a robe of deep plum shades covered in silver crescent moon symbols, she wears boots made of soft leather. Historical influences include the high-volume sleeves of her robe that hint at Victorian fashion. A silver pentacle necklace rests at her chest, and she bears a mesmerizing tattoo of a raven under her left eye. Her antique staff with a crystal tip rests lightly in her hands, matching the serene confidence in her posture.

Anime girl drawn in anime style as an enchanting 23-year-old witch with curly, chestnut hair cascading over her shoulders. Her eyes sparkle like valuable amber, reflecting her intelligent and crafty personality. Set in a rustic autumn backdrop, her body exhibits a natural grace and possesses an earthy tone. Clothed in a robe of deep plum shades covered in silver crescent moon symbols, she wears boots made of soft leather. Historical influences include the high-volume sleeves of her robe that hint at Victorian fashion. A silver pentacle necklace rests at her chest, and she bears a mesmerizing tattoo of a raven under her left eye. Her antique staff with a crystal tip rests lightly in her hands, matching the serene confidence in her posture.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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