Anime Girl Eating Ice Cream: Anime girl drawn in anime art style in a medieval castle hallway. Her jet-black hair falls in loose ringlets, framing her soft face that features a pair of bewitching lavender eyes. Wearing a corset of deep burgundy velvet topped with a silvery silk shawl, she cups a glass dish of vanilla ice cream delicately in her gloved hands, each bite more satisfying that the last.

Anime Girl Eating Ice Cream: Anime girl drawn in anime art style in a medieval castle hallway. Her jet-black hair falls in loose ringlets, framing her soft face that features a pair of bewitching lavender eyes. Wearing a corset of deep burgundy velvet topped with a silvery silk shawl, she cups a glass dish of vanilla ice cream delicately in her gloved hands, each bite more satisfying that the last.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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