Anime Girl Mad: In anime art style, an anime girl exudes an electrifying anger in the midst of an eerily silent library. Her moss-green eyes spark like fireworks, set in contrast to her platinum blonde hair cascading down in elegant braids. She wears a curve-hugging maroon turtleneck dress, adorned with golden theses, along with matching suede thigh-high boots. A string of delicate pearls around her neck intimates an intellectual elegance, contributing to her captivating fury.

Anime Girl Mad: In anime art style, an anime girl exudes an electrifying anger in the midst of an eerily silent library. Her moss-green eyes spark like fireworks, set in contrast to her platinum blonde hair cascading down in elegant braids. She wears a curve-hugging maroon turtleneck dress, adorned with golden theses, along with matching suede thigh-high boots. A string of delicate pearls around her neck intimates an intellectual elegance, contributing to her captivating fury.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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