Anime Boy Head: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, capturing the light in his almond-shaped amber eyes, creating an aura of gentle maturity. His rusty-brown hair is kept relatively short, with only a few strands falling into his equally sharp-eyed gaze. The cherry blossom field that surrounds him glows in the pink aura of dusk, creating an ethereal environment. He'stly attired in an ebony-black yukata, adorned with intricate gold and white designs, impeccably tied using a royal purple obi. A traditional pair of zori sandals, along with white ankle-high tabi socks, strategically completes his outfit."

A young animated male character with soft amber eyes shimmering under subtle light, reflecting a sense of thoughtful maturity. His hair, a shade of rusty brown, is cropped short, with a few unruly strands falling over his intelligent gaze. This character finds himself amidst a radiant field of cherry blossoms, their pink aura blending with the twilight, imparting a mystical vibe to the scene. He's donned in a sophisticated ebony-black yukata, intricately detailed with golden and white patterns, and secured impeccably with a royal purple obi belt. His ensemble is impeccably finished with traditional zori sandals coupled with stark white ankle-high tabi socks.

A young animated male character with soft amber eyes shimmering under subtle light, reflecting a sense of thoughtful maturity. His hair, a shade of rusty brown, is cropped short, with a few unruly strands falling over his intelligent gaze. This character finds himself amidst a radiant field of cherry blossoms, their pink aura blending with the twilight, imparting a mystical vibe to the scene. He's donned in a sophisticated ebony-black yukata, intricately detailed with golden and white patterns, and secured impeccably with a royal purple obi belt. His ensemble is impeccably finished with traditional zori sandals coupled with stark white ankle-high tabi socks.

Anime Boy Head: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, capturing the light in his almond-shaped amber eyes, creating an aura of gentle maturity. His rusty-brown hair is kept relatively short, with only a few strands falling into his equally sharp-eyed gaze. The cherry blossom field that surrounds him glows in the pink aura of dusk, creating an ethereal environment. He'stly attired in an ebony-black yukata, adorned with intricate gold and white designs, impeccably tied using a royal purple obi. A traditional pair of zori sandals, along with white ankle-high tabi socks, strategically completes his outfit."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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