Anime Girl: An anime girl drawn in Japanese anime art style dazzles with a captivating spectacle in her twinkling stardust-grey eyes. She lounges in a modern loft with expansive glass panels showcasing a star-studded skyline. The anime girl is adorned in a platinum sequined cocktail dress that seamlessly outlines her toned silhouette. Her long cerulean tresses flow freely, punctuated by a constellation-inspired hairpin. A pair of high-heeled glass slippers conclude her celestial appeal.

Anime Girl: An anime girl drawn in Japanese anime art style dazzles with a captivating spectacle in her twinkling stardust-grey eyes. She lounges in a modern loft with expansive glass panels showcasing a star-studded skyline. The anime girl is adorned in a platinum sequined cocktail dress that seamlessly outlines her toned silhouette. Her long cerulean tresses flow freely, punctuated by a constellation-inspired hairpin. A pair of high-heeled glass slippers conclude her celestial appeal.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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