Anime Girl In Box: Anime girl drawn in anime art style standing inside a celestial box in a magical realm. Her midnight-blue hair, tumbling down in lustrous waves and streaked with silver highlights, frames her delicate face. Embodying a beautiful juxtaposition of vulnerability and undeniable strength, her golden eyes spark with confidence and charm. Her outfit is a vibrant, strapless top in hues of teals and purples, adorned with gleaming stars along its edge. Spiraling galaxies skirt around her waist, creating a mesmerizing visual against the ethereal background. Her ankle-strapped heels are studded with glittering stars, and her hands hold a silver hoop, signifying her control over the cosmos."

Anime Girl In Box: Anime girl drawn in anime art style standing inside a celestial box in a magical realm. Her midnight-blue hair, tumbling down in lustrous waves and streaked with silver highlights, frames her delicate face. Embodying a beautiful juxtaposition of vulnerability and undeniable strength, her golden eyes spark with confidence and charm. Her outfit is a vibrant, strapless top in hues of teals and purples, adorned with gleaming stars along its edge. Spiraling galaxies skirt around her waist, creating a mesmerizing visual against the ethereal background. Her ankle-strapped heels are studded with glittering stars, and her hands hold a silver hoop, signifying her control over the cosmos."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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