Anime Boy In Class: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, sitting in a bustling classroom with tall windows that provide a backdrop of cherry blossom trees. His hair is a unique blend of turquoise and black, swept to the side, revealing a shiny blue ear stud. He's wearing a crisp, white short-sleeved shirt neatly tucked into navy blue pleated trousers which are paired with shiny, black, lace-up leather shoes. His outfit is enhanced by a red ("hokage") necktie loosely knotted around his collar, and he’s carrying a dark, leather shoulder-bag. The rays of the sun wrap him in a soft aura, highlighting the intense green in his eyes."

Picture an anime-style depiction of a boy sitting in a busy classroom that's framed by towering windows which offer a serene view of cherry blossom trees in full bloom. His hair boasts a unique combination of turquoise and black shades, stylishly brushed to one side to reveal a shimmering blue ear stud that further attracts attention to him. He's clad in a sharp, white, short-sleeved shirt which is neatly tucked into dark blue pleated trousers, complemented by polished, black, lace-up shoes made of leather. A red necktie, worn casually loose around his neck, and a dark leather shoulder bag further enhance his ensemble. The gentle rays of the sun lend him a soft glow, intensifying the vibrant green of his eyes.

Picture an anime-style depiction of a boy sitting in a busy classroom that's framed by towering windows which offer a serene view of cherry blossom trees in full bloom. His hair boasts a unique combination of turquoise and black shades, stylishly brushed to one side to reveal a shimmering blue ear stud that further attracts attention to him. He's clad in a sharp, white, short-sleeved shirt which is neatly tucked into dark blue pleated trousers, complemented by polished, black, lace-up shoes made of leather. A red necktie, worn casually loose around his neck, and a dark leather shoulder bag further enhance his ensemble. The gentle rays of the sun lend him a soft glow, intensifying the vibrant green of his eyes.

Anime Boy In Class: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, sitting in a bustling classroom with tall windows that provide a backdrop of cherry blossom trees. His hair is a unique blend of turquoise and black, swept to the side, revealing a shiny blue ear stud. He's wearing a crisp, white short-sleeved shirt neatly tucked into navy blue pleated trousers which are paired with shiny, black, lace-up leather shoes. His outfit is enhanced by a red ("hokage") necktie loosely knotted around his collar, and he’s carrying a dark, leather shoulder-bag. The rays of the sun wrap him in a soft aura, highlighting the intense green in his eyes."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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