cat girl 

A girl with cat-like features such as feline ears and a tail, who possesses large expressive eyes and a small nose, commonly depicted attributes in Anime art style. She is dressed in colorful attire, radiating vibrant energy. Her hair is an unconventional color, perhaps a bright azure or a lively pink, styled in a fashion that defies gravity, as often seen in the playful and whimsical Anime art tradition. Setting is a high school background bustling with students in their uniform.

A girl with cat-like features such as feline ears and a tail, who possesses large expressive eyes and a small nose, commonly depicted attributes in Anime art style. She is dressed in colorful attire, radiating vibrant energy. Her hair is an unconventional color, perhaps a bright azure or a lively pink, styled in a fashion that defies gravity, as often seen in the playful and whimsical Anime art tradition. Setting is a high school background bustling with students in their uniform.

cat girl

Art Style: Anime
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