Anime Boy In Prison: Imagine an anime boy drawn in anime art style, trapped within an eerie, magical imprisonment. His hair, jet-black and slicked back, revealing piercing, silver eyes that reflect a deep-seated melancholy. His outfit consists of a worn, emerald-green wizard's robe that has seen better days, faded with patches and burns from magical duels. The emblem of a forgotten magic guild still visible on the chest. Wooden clogs, scratched and damaged, clang against the hard floor of his glowing rune-inscribed cell.

Visualize an anime-style illustration of a melancholy boy with jet-black, slicked-back hair and piercing, silver eyes. He's trapped in an eerie and magical enclosure. His worn-out wizard's attire, colored emerald-green, is faded and patched, bearing the scars of magical battles. The tattered robe displays the emblem of a now-forgotten magic guild on the chest. His old wooden clogs, showing significant wear and tear, echo against the firm flooring of his confinement – a space filled with the luminescent glow of inscribed magic runes.

Visualize an anime-style illustration of a melancholy boy with jet-black, slicked-back hair and piercing, silver eyes. He's trapped in an eerie and magical enclosure. His worn-out wizard's attire, colored emerald-green, is faded and patched, bearing the scars of magical battles. The tattered robe displays the emblem of a now-forgotten magic guild on the chest. His old wooden clogs, showing significant wear and tear, echo against the firm flooring of his confinement – a space filled with the luminescent glow of inscribed magic runes.

Anime Boy In Prison: Imagine an anime boy drawn in anime art style, trapped within an eerie, magical imprisonment. His hair, jet-black and slicked back, revealing piercing, silver eyes that reflect a deep-seated melancholy. His outfit consists of a worn, emerald-green wizard's robe that has seen better days, faded with patches and burns from magical duels. The emblem of a forgotten magic guild still visible on the chest. Wooden clogs, scratched and damaged, clang against the hard floor of his glowing rune-inscribed cell.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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