Anime Girl Athletes: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, a captivating martial artist with a contrast of dangerous beauty. Her mint green eyes hover with ferocity as she takes her stance. Blonde hair is tightly brailed up, her glowing skin prominent under the studio light. She's dressed in a tailored, glossy black gi tied around her slender waist with a laurel green belt, perfectly flattering her toned body."

Anime Girl Athletes: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, a captivating martial artist with a contrast of dangerous beauty. Her mint green eyes hover with ferocity as she takes her stance. Blonde hair is tightly brailed up, her glowing skin prominent under the studio light. She's dressed in a tailored, glossy black gi tied around her slender waist with a laurel green belt, perfectly flattering her toned body."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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