Anime Boy Template: Envision an anime boy drawn in anime art style by the beach. His eye-catching turquoise hair falls partially over one of his azure eyes, which glimmer with the sunshine. Basking in the golden rays, his attire consists of a loose, pale yellow button-down shirt with rolled-up sleeves, revealing multiple bead bracelets on his wrist. He has a silver chain necklace with a surfboard pendant. Matching the colour of the endless sea, his shorts are dark blue, with white stripes on the edges; his feet are bare, with the white sand seeping through his toes.

Imagine an anime-style boy standing by the beach. His eye-catching turquoise hair partially covers one of his shining azure eyes, reflecting the sunlight. Under the golden rays, he wears a light yellow, loose button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up, revealing multiple bead bracelets adorning his wrist. He's wearing a silver chain necklace, at the center of which hangs a surfboard-shaped pendant. His dark blue shorts, edged with white stripes, mirror the color of the vast ocean. His feet are bare, with the pure white sand seeping between his toes.

Imagine an anime-style boy standing by the beach. His eye-catching turquoise hair partially covers one of his shining azure eyes, reflecting the sunlight. Under the golden rays, he wears a light yellow, loose button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up, revealing multiple bead bracelets adorning his wrist. He's wearing a silver chain necklace, at the center of which hangs a surfboard-shaped pendant. His dark blue shorts, edged with white stripes, mirror the color of the vast ocean. His feet are bare, with the pure white sand seeping between his toes.

Anime Boy Template: Envision an anime boy drawn in anime art style by the beach. His eye-catching turquoise hair falls partially over one of his azure eyes, which glimmer with the sunshine. Basking in the golden rays, his attire consists of a loose, pale yellow button-down shirt with rolled-up sleeves, revealing multiple bead bracelets on his wrist. He has a silver chain necklace with a surfboard pendant. Matching the colour of the endless sea, his shorts are dark blue, with white stripes on the edges; his feet are bare, with the white sand seeping through his toes.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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