Anime Z Names: Zeke is an anime boy drawn in anime art style situated in a busy cityscape, standing out with his neon red hair styled in a spiky fashion, contrasting with his cool-blue eyes giving a playful allure. He's wearing a graphic t-shirt depicting a dragon engulfed in fire, under a satin-smooth varsity jacket having midnight blue and white stripes. His lower half consists of baggy, graffiti-patterned pants cinched at the waist by a neon belt. His shoes are classic high-top sneakers with prints matching his shirt. He carries a skateboard under his arm, indicating his adventurous side.

Envision an anime-style teenage boy named Zeke, who is located within a bustling urban environment. His unique personality is embodied through his neon red spiky hair which is sharply contrasted by his icy blue eyes, radiating an atmosphere of playfulness. His distinctive attire includes a graphic t-shirt featuring a fiery dragon illustration, shielded underneath a sleek, varsity jacket in shades of midnight blue and white stripes. Complementing his attire further are his baggy pants marked with graffiti patterns, and secured by a bright, neon belt. He is adorning classic high-top sneakers, interestingly matching his t-shirt's design. Signifying his love for adventure, he holds a skateboard under his arm.

Envision an anime-style teenage boy named Zeke, who is located within a bustling urban environment. His unique personality is embodied through his neon red spiky hair which is sharply contrasted by his icy blue eyes, radiating an atmosphere of playfulness. His distinctive attire includes a graphic t-shirt featuring a fiery dragon illustration, shielded underneath a sleek, varsity jacket in shades of midnight blue and white stripes. Complementing his attire further are his baggy pants marked with graffiti patterns, and secured by a bright, neon belt. He is adorning classic high-top sneakers, interestingly matching his t-shirt's design. Signifying his love for adventure, he holds a skateboard under his arm.

Anime Z Names: Zeke is an anime boy drawn in anime art style situated in a busy cityscape, standing out with his neon red hair styled in a spiky fashion, contrasting with his cool-blue eyes giving a playful allure. He's wearing a graphic t-shirt depicting a dragon engulfed in fire, under a satin-smooth varsity jacket having midnight blue and white stripes. His lower half consists of baggy, graffiti-patterned pants cinched at the waist by a neon belt. His shoes are classic high-top sneakers with prints matching his shirt. He carries a skateboard under his arm, indicating his adventurous side.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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