Anime Girl In City: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, located on a city skyline during a lively night. She is the epitome of vivacious beauty, with her wild crimson hair cascading in voluminous waves, and piercing emerald-green eyes that seem to flicker with an inner fire. She is dressed in a radiant sunset-orange crop top with a high neck and long sleeves, paired with white high-waisted shorts that create a striking contrast. Hanging loosely around her hips is a black leather jacket, resting on her denim-clad thighs. Thigh-high sneakers colored the same sunset-orange as her top, add an element of playfulness to the overall look."

Anime Girl In City: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, located on a city skyline during a lively night. She is the epitome of vivacious beauty, with her wild crimson hair cascading in voluminous waves, and piercing emerald-green eyes that seem to flicker with an inner fire. She is dressed in a radiant sunset-orange crop top with a high neck and long sleeves, paired with white high-waisted shorts that create a striking contrast. Hanging loosely around her hips is a black leather jacket, resting on her denim-clad thighs. Thigh-high sneakers colored the same sunset-orange as her top, add an element of playfulness to the overall look."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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