Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style sits on a bench in an open field, munching on a slice of pizza while looking at the starry night sky. His jet black hair is neat, complementing his deep violet eyes and a complexion like porcelain. He is dressed in a dark maroon varsity jacket with white stripes, under which is a simple grey shirt. He wears black skinny jeans that go well with his leather boots. Around his neck, there is a silver cross pendent and on his head, a black beanie provides a contrast to his hair.

A young male character drawn in a characteristic animated style is sitting on a bench in an open field. He is enjoying a slice of pizza under the starry night sky. His hair is jet black, perfectly tidy, and his deep violet eyes are stunning against his porcelain-like complexion. His outfit is a dark maroon varsity jacket with white stripes, paired with a simple gray shirt. His fashion forward black skinny jeans match perfectly with his stylish leather boots. A silver cross pendent hangs around his neck and he is wearing a black beanie that stands out against his dark hair.

A young male character drawn in a characteristic animated style is sitting on a bench in an open field. He is enjoying a slice of pizza under the starry night sky. His hair is jet black, perfectly tidy, and his deep violet eyes are stunning against his porcelain-like complexion. His outfit is a dark maroon varsity jacket with white stripes, paired with a simple gray shirt. His fashion forward black skinny jeans match perfectly with his stylish leather boots. A silver cross pendent hangs around his neck and he is wearing a black beanie that stands out against his dark hair.

Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style sits on a bench in an open field, munching on a slice of pizza while looking at the starry night sky. His jet black hair is neat, complementing his deep violet eyes and a complexion like porcelain. He is dressed in a dark maroon varsity jacket with white stripes, under which is a simple grey shirt. He wears black skinny jeans that go well with his leather boots. Around his neck, there is a silver cross pendent and on his head, a black beanie provides a contrast to his hair.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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