Anime Girl Purple: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, showcasing a gorgeous anime girl, on a lush garden. Amidst sundews and irises, she flaunts flaming purple locks curled to perfection. She wears an off-shoulder, lilac gown that gently caresses the ground as she moves, paired with white ballet flats. She carries a bejeweled wand, its top shaped like a lilac star."

Anime Girl Purple: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, showcasing a gorgeous anime girl, on a lush garden. Amidst sundews and irises, she flaunts flaming purple locks curled to perfection. She wears an off-shoulder, lilac gown that gently caresses the ground as she moves, paired with white ballet flats. She carries a bejeweled wand, its top shaped like a lilac star."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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