Anime Girl Hair: An anime girl drawn in anime art style with fiery, long, curly auburn hair that dances with each movement. She boasts an emerald green, long, halter neck evening gown that hugs her figure flawlessly. Gold tassel earrings fluttering around her neck and strappy golden stilettos add an opulent touch to her ensemble. She stands amidst a swanky rooftop party, venting an inviting aura with her seductive glance.

Anime Girl Hair: An anime girl drawn in anime art style with fiery, long, curly auburn hair that dances with each movement. She boasts an emerald green, long, halter neck evening gown that hugs her figure flawlessly. Gold tassel earrings fluttering around her neck and strappy golden stilettos add an opulent touch to her ensemble. She stands amidst a swanky rooftop party, venting an inviting aura with her seductive glance.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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