
An animated style image of a female fantasy character with the name 'Jennie' engraved. She is in a magical setting with a grand castle in the background, a carousel nearby, and a ferris wheel in the distance. Evoking a sense of whimsy, the scene is adorned with blooming roses. The art style adheres to a detailed and vibrant illustration similar to the artwork seen in early 1900's Japanese art movements.

An animated style image of a female fantasy character with the name 'Jennie' engraved. She is in a magical setting with a grand castle in the background, a carousel nearby, and a ferris wheel in the distance. Evoking a sense of whimsy, the scene is adorned with blooming roses. The art style adheres to a detailed and vibrant illustration similar to the artwork seen in early 1900's Japanese art movements.


Art Style: Anime
Fanart iOS App Download Button

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