Anime Boy In Girl School: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, showing a hint of shyness as he stands in the middle of an all-girl school's lush, green courtyard. He possesses cherry-red hair that falls lightly over one of his brightly shining golden eyes, displaying subtle strength and resolve. He is donning a black satin bow tie atop a starched white shirt tucked neatly into silver-grey pleated pants. A boldly colored crimson blazer with four brass buttons is draped over his slender shoulders. Matching the pants, he wears a pair of black leather shoes polished to a mirror sheen."

A shy anime boy with cherry-red hair, partially falling over one of his radiant golden eyes, conveys a sense of subtle strength in a lush, green courtyard of an all-girl school setting. His attire includes a black satin bow tie enhancing his starched white shirt tucked carefully into silver-grey pleated pants. Draped over his slender shoulders is a bourgeoning crimson blazer styled with four brass buttons. Complementing the pant's tone, he sports black leather shoes that have been polished to a mirror sheen.

A shy anime boy with cherry-red hair, partially falling over one of his radiant golden eyes, conveys a sense of subtle strength in a lush, green courtyard of an all-girl school setting. His attire includes a black satin bow tie enhancing his starched white shirt tucked carefully into silver-grey pleated pants. Draped over his slender shoulders is a bourgeoning crimson blazer styled with four brass buttons. Complementing the pant's tone, he sports black leather shoes that have been polished to a mirror sheen.

Anime Boy In Girl School: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, showing a hint of shyness as he stands in the middle of an all-girl school's lush, green courtyard. He possesses cherry-red hair that falls lightly over one of his brightly shining golden eyes, displaying subtle strength and resolve. He is donning a black satin bow tie atop a starched white shirt tucked neatly into silver-grey pleated pants. A boldly colored crimson blazer with four brass buttons is draped over his slender shoulders. Matching the pants, he wears a pair of black leather shoes polished to a mirror sheen."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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