Anime Boy Outline: Formulate an anime boy drawn in anime art style set against a backdrop of a lively beach. He has sun-touched blonde hair tousled from the ocean breeze and inviting, sea-green eyes with an innocent, pleasant demeanor. His skin is glowing under the sun, reflecting everything that's warm and alive about summer. He is dressed in a colorful beach-themed Hawaiian shirt, unbuttoned halfway, revealing a white tank top underneath. Partnering with his shirt is a pair of casual, navy-blue shorts, ideal for the beach setting. He is barefoot, with small waves from the clear blue ocean lapping around his ankles. In his hand, he holds a refreshing coconut drink, and behind him, the scenic horizon where the sun meets the sea completes the vibrant summer setting."

Design a South Asian teen boy portrayed in an art style reminiscent of Japanese animations, standing before a bustling seashore. His honey-toned hair is tousled and appears kissed by the warm glow of the sunlight, while his eyes are a charming sea green, echoing both innocence and friendliness. His skin radiates under the sunlight, embodying the lively and radiant atmosphere of summer. He is attired in a brightly colored beach-themed Hawaiian shirt, left unbuttoned halfway to reveal a white under-layer tank top. Complementing his attire are casual, dark blue shorts suitable for the coastal ambiance. His feet are bare, encircled by gentle waves from the translucent blue sea. He grasps a cooling coconut beverage in his hand, and behind him is a picturesque horizon of the setting sun descending into the sea, further enhancing the vivid summer environment.

Design a South Asian teen boy portrayed in an art style reminiscent of Japanese animations, standing before a bustling seashore. His honey-toned hair is tousled and appears kissed by the warm glow of the sunlight, while his eyes are a charming sea green, echoing both innocence and friendliness. His skin radiates under the sunlight, embodying the lively and radiant atmosphere of summer. He is attired in a brightly colored beach-themed Hawaiian shirt, left unbuttoned halfway to reveal a white under-layer tank top. Complementing his attire are casual, dark blue shorts suitable for the coastal ambiance. His feet are bare, encircled by gentle waves from the translucent blue sea. He grasps a cooling coconut beverage in his hand, and behind him is a picturesque horizon of the setting sun descending into the sea, further enhancing the vivid summer environment.

Anime Boy Outline: Formulate an anime boy drawn in anime art style set against a backdrop of a lively beach. He has sun-touched blonde hair tousled from the ocean breeze and inviting, sea-green eyes with an innocent, pleasant demeanor. His skin is glowing under the sun, reflecting everything that's warm and alive about summer. He is dressed in a colorful beach-themed Hawaiian shirt, unbuttoned halfway, revealing a white tank top underneath. Partnering with his shirt is a pair of casual, navy-blue shorts, ideal for the beach setting. He is barefoot, with small waves from the clear blue ocean lapping around his ankles. In his hand, he holds a refreshing coconut drink, and behind him, the scenic horizon where the sun meets the sea completes the vibrant summer setting."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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